Projects (APIs)

Projects operate as containers for similar models and their related artifacts, such as training data. Each project can be related to multiple models; this is configured by adding the project uuid when creating or updating those models.

Projects must have unique names within the platform. You can create projects with a POST request to v1/projects with a unique project name. (When using the SDK, Vianai recommends that you create new projects using upsert(data: V1ProjectList). which searches for existing projects of the same name before creating the new one.)

You can create multiple projects with the /v1/projects POST. The endpoint returns V1ProjectList, a dict of all projects created. For example:

        "name": "Example Project Name123",  
        "description": "Example Project Description",  
        "status": "inactive",  
        "parent_project_uuid": null,  
        "created_ts": "2023-07-29T16:02:10.208514+00:00",  
        "modified_ts": "2023-07-29T16:02:10.208514+00:00",  
        "created_by": "user1",  
        "modified_by": "user2",  
        "uuid": "447715b9-b79d-4aa9-ae81-e877f9ff9063"  
Property Type Description
name string Name for the deployment to which this policy is assigned.
description string Description of the project, if defined.
status string Current status of the project. Possible values: active (the default), inactive. If inactive, the project is not visible in the UI.
parent_project_uuid string Unique identifier of the project parent for this project, if applicable.
created_ts dateTime (Unix time in milliseconds) Timestamp (Unix time in milliseconds) identifying when the project was created.
modified_ts dateTime (Unix time in milliseconds) Timestamp (Unix time in milliseconds) identifying when the project was last modified.
created_by string User who created the project.
modified_by string User who last modified the project.
uuid string Unique ID created by the platform for this policy.