Cloning images to your private registry

These instructions explain how to install and deploy Vianai container images into a private registry. The intended audience is customers with air-gapped, private cloud, or on-premise deployments.

To perform these following steps your computer needs to be configured with python, the Docker engine, and Google SDK.


Vianai provides:

  • Service account—A file containing credentials with read-only access for the Vianai container images in GCR (Google Cloud Registry).

  • Image map—A JSON-formatted file with a list of Vianai images.

  • Clone script—Python script to pull Vianai container images and transfer them to the target registry.

You provide:

  • Google SDK—Google Cloud binaries allowing authentication to Google Cloud services. See list of required software and versions.

  • Storage—Recommend 1TB of temporary storage for Docker container to be stored until the process completes.


Use the following steps to clone the Vianai container repository.

  1. Extract the list of containers:

     python --version <VERSION> --output-file vianai-<VERSION>.json

    where VERSION should match the Vianai platform For example, for v2.1r3 the command may be:

     python --version 2.1r3 --output-file vianai-v2.1r3.json

    Note that you may not want or need all images provided in the image. Work with your Vianai Sales or Support representative if you want to remove unneeded images.

  2. Make sure the private registry is set up and Docker is authenticated. See the section “Registry Authentication” (below) for instructions to create the private registry and set up authentication specific to the target cloud provider.

  3. Tag and push the containers to the new private registry:

     python --map-file vianai-<VERSION>.json --dest-repo <DEST-REPO>


    • VERSION should match the Vianai platform
    • DEST_REPO must match the address for the target private registry

    For example, for v2.1r3 the command for a test repo may be:

     python --map-file vianai-2.1r3.json --dest-repo

    While the command for a production AWS repo may be:

     python --map-file vianai-2.1r3.json --dest-repo <AWS ACCT ID>.dkr.ecr.<REGION>
  4. Authorize access to the Vianai container repository:

    gcloud auth activate-service-account <ACCOUNT-NAME> --key-file=<YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-CREDS>.json
    gcloud auth configure-docker


    • ACCOUNT-NAME is the value provided in the client_email field of your service account file
    • YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-CREDS is provided in your service account file
  5. Set up WRITE access authorization for the private container registry.

  6. Transfer Vianai mages using the clone script:



    • VIANAI-PROVIDED-IMAGE-MAP-FILE is the location of the Vianai-provided image map file
    • PARTNER-CONTAINER-REGISTRY is provided in your service account file

Repository Authentication


  • See instructions for creating a container registry in Azure.
  • Authenticate via command line:
      az login --use-device-code
      az acr login -n TESTPRIVATEREPO --expose-token

    where TESTPRIVATEREPO is the name for your Azure container registry (replace with actual registry name)


  • See instructions for creating a container registry in create ECS.
  • Authenticate via command line:

      export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxxxx
      export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=yyyyy
      aws ecr get-login-password --region REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin


    • REGION matches your ECS region
    • AWS_ACCT_ID identifies your AWS account


  • See instructions for creating a container registry in create GCP.
  • Authenticate via command line:

      gcloud auth activate-service-account <ACCOUNT-NAME> --key-file=<YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-CREDS>.JSON
      gcloud auth configure-docker


    • ACCOUNT-NAME matches your GCP registry account name region
    • YOUR-SERVICE-ACCOUNT-CREDS identifies your GCP service account